This is the original email sent out on November 14th for Tasha the husky. Be warned, it contains some graphic images of her injures from her animal control darting. The response to the email was overwhelming.
Please help me find a RESCUE GROUP that can help this Husky.
This needs immediate attention!!!!
The Husky is a feral dog that has been in my neighborhood in a dog pack for over a year. I have been working on a relationship with her to get her to trust me. Over the past three weeks, I have trapped 9 of her feral pack friends with a city trap. This Husky dog is SOOOOO smart!! She already knew about the trap, the animal control truck, the dog catcher pole, she is a savy girl. The story is much longer, but for the sake of getting to why I need help… while trying to catch her last week, I noticed that she was injured. Yesterday, my vet friend and I amped up our game and caught her. Hurray! (We had to tranquilize her to transport her to the vet clinic). When we investigated her wound, apparently animal control had shot her with a tranq gun and she got away from them. I will leave it to you to assess the level of skill and choice of appropriate tool that they used on her when you look at the pictures. The back end of the tranq dart was 2” into her shoulder and the front tip of the dart was embedded in her shoulder bone.
Her exam shows that she is heartworm neg (hurray for thick Husky hair). She has now been vaccinated, dewormed, de-flea-ed & ticked, she is getting antibiotics for her fever and infection. Other than being shot, she is a healthy girl. She will be spayed as soon as her fever is down.
She is being watched for her temperament. If she can adjust to being confined and continue to be non-aggressive over the next few days, we will decide that she will qualify for socialization/rehabilitation and then onto adoption.
Here is what we need: I cannot keep her in my yard – she can climb a chain link fence. And I already have 4 dogs (3 rescues) at my house. She will need a rescue group that knows how to train/socialize a street dog. She will need to be kept in a place with a good fence or a fully enclosed run.
Here is the big catch: The vet clinic where she is staying has a very small boarding area for large dogs. The Thanksgiving holiday is rapidly approaching and their boarding kennels are full. They cannot keep the dog. I cannot keep the dog. HELP!!!! Please send this to anyone you know who knows someone who does dog rescue.
The Husky is a beautiful dog. In her heart – she wants to be loved, she is just scared. She trusted me through all her dog friends getting picked up by the dog catcher – and she knew what was happening. This dog is sooooooooooo smart – all she needs is a chance and she really deserves a chance after what animal control did to her.
Please forward this email to anyone you know who might work with a rescue group that can help her.
Also, look for a follow up email from me in the next week or so with a request and directions for you to express concern to the city about their animal control policies. I would like to turn my frustration and anger with the city into reformed policy and I will need your help.
As always, thank you for your time and email list to help these dogs. Your concern and efforts always help connect these dogs with the right people and forever homes.